Welcome to The Obvious Investor Peer to Peer Lending Portfolio Update for October 2019! Lot’s of exiting happenings with Peer to Peer platforms this month, including the Funding Secure collapse, and Funding Circle changing the way they are selling loans.
I hope you all had a good and prosperous October!
Interesting month overall for me personally too: I decided to spend some money on updating my home in Portugal by insulating the loft and replacing all of the doors and windows. I’m also updating the interior of the house by giving everything a lick of paint and some new trims on the doors. This is in-between the Portuguese lessons twice a week at the local school, and also keeping on top of the website and my investments.
Retired life is hard! Can’t think how I ever had time to work 🙂
Total Peer to Peer lending income amount was up for the month. I added a new GBP lender CrowdProperty, and Funding Circle actually gave a positive return! Then they spoiled it with a new charge they have for selling Funding Circle loans. Read on for more details.
Funding Secure Collapse
I’m sure some of you heard that the UK lender Funding Secure collapsed? I didn’t write a whole post on the subject like I did when Lendy went bust earlier this year. This is because I don’t really have any experience with Funding Secure. The situation is almost the same as Lendy though. I looked at Funding Secure a couple of years ago, didn’t like what I saw as far as loans and the company were concerned, so I didn’t invest with them. I’ve looked at them a couple of times since, but they just got worse.
It’s really not a surprise that Funding Secure collapsed, many investors were waiting for it to happen. Honestly, anyone who put money into Funding Secure after 2017 should probably have been doing a bit more research. It wasn’t difficult to see. If you look at TrustPillot reviews for early 2017, you’ll see that they were starting to get bad reviews even then. And by the end of 2017 it was really easy to see.
Either way, most of the loans were asset secured as understand it, so investors should get most of their money back I would think. It’s probably going to take a while though unfortunately.
Funding Secure Collapse – website (click image to enlarge).
Moving On
Anyhow, moving on. If you remember, the update post format was changed last month. I received positive feedback from a few of you on the new format (thank you) so we’ll stick with it for now.
If you would like to see individual Peer to Peer lender account screenshots etc. you can click on the links next to each Peer to Peer lender update and go to the account page. All the information is still there, just not all on the same page as it used to be.
I’m always open to ideas to improve readability and content even more, so feel free to comment at the end of the post or email me if you have any suggestions for improvement.
GBP Portfolio Update
Income from the GBP Peer to Peer lending portfolio increased a little from £866.32 in September to £968.42 in October. Funding Circle finally showed a small positive income after several months of losses. Unfortunately though, LendingCrowd showed a small negative for the month. It has to happen with higher return lenders sometimes as defaults are factored into the target return rate so it shouldn’t affect the overall XIRR of the account in the long term.
Overall Portfolio XIRR increased a little to 5.81% in October from 5.80% in September. All other numbers were in the expected range. I moved more money from Funding Circle, Mintos & LendingCrowd to Loanpad, Lending Works & a new lender CrowdProperty. Details in the individual lender updates below.
Ablrate is still going strong. I sent over another £150.00 in October to pick up a new loan I liked the look of.
XIRR was up a little from 13.77% in September to 13.82% in October. The XIRR on Ablrate is high (for a UK lender). Which I believe is mostly due to some secondary market loans I bid on. When bids are accepted lower than the original loan value on the secondary market, the XIRR goes up to reflect this.
I really need to spend some time looking at loans and getting some more significant capital dispersed with Ablrate but I just haven’t had the time. The account is performing well and I don’t see anything changing. I’ve just been lazy putting money into lenders with auto-invest and accepting a little less returns for less time spent. Once I get the house sorted out I’ll probably get some significant capital over to Ablrate and take a deeper look at some of their loans.
Ablrate Signup & Cashback Offers
Ablrate offer an exclusive cashback offer to readers of The Obvious Investor – when you sign-up with Ablrate and receive 0.5% cashback on your first investments.
Assetz Capital are still leading the pack of lenders with actual income value with a total return of £2,367.23 since I started the portfolio. Not half bad for one of the safest lenders out there with property secured loans. XIRR increased from 5.92% in September to 5.99% in October. As I’ve been investing with Assetz Capital for a while now, the XIRR edges up and down each month depending on when I get the numbers for the update. It still feels best when it’s edging upwards though 🙂
Assetz Capital Signup & Cashback Offers
Assetz Capital has extended their cashback offer to November 30th! £150 cashback for investing £5,000. Here are the details;
Open to new customers to the Assetz Capital platform.
Customers must complete their registration by midnight on 30th of November.
They must invest £5,000 or more by midnight on 7th December.
If they keep the funds invested for 12 months, they will receive £150 cashback.
CrowdProperty are a new lender I added to the portfolio in October. In short; a secured property lender with an excellent track record offering 8% returns on medium term (12-24 month) loans.
Rather than go through everything in this update, I decided to write an initial review here for anyone interested in taking a look at them. If you’re looking for higher returns, definitely worth checking them out. I’ll write more in coming months as I get some experience with them and get some lending figures recorded.
Funding Circle lending finally showed income in October, £67.51 to be precise. It’s a welcome change after 3 months of negative returns and I hope this has filtered out most of the bad loans they wrote before their IPO.
I am still waiting to sell half of my holdings with Funding Circle to reduce my exposure. Still nothing sold since my July 1st sell order. They are saying it’s taking 136 days now, so hopefully in November I’ll get some sold. I did withdraw and move another £1,000 from them but that was just from repayments. It went to Loanpad where it’s safe 🙂
Selling Funding Circle Loans
I got an email saying Funding Circle are changing the way their selling feature works on December 2nd. Instead of sellers having to wait their turn to sell all of their loans, they are going to cycle between sellers in a “round robin” fashion, just selling parts of their loans before moving on to the next lender. So in theory it gives everyone a chance to get some capital back quickly.
The problems is that they have now introduced a 1.25% selling fee which is going to the buyer of the loans as an incentive to purchase them. That kind of sucks when it used to be free to sell loans early, and it was the initial agreement when I first invested the money. I understand why they are doing it, however personally I think Funding Circle are making a huge mistake putting the fee onto current investments. They are basically holding investors capital for ransom and alienating them even more than they were before. Not a good idea for a company that’s not yet profitable and now has such a bad reputation already.
Considering selling out
I’m now considering selling out of Funding Circle altogether instead of just selling half of my holdings. Not because I’m scared of losing money, but I don’t like lenders moving the goalposts after the game has started. There was no selling fee when I first invested, now there is, and they gave investors no way to get grandfathered in. So if we want out early now, we have to pay. That’s almost £400 on £30k for me. Although I would still come out on top, it’s not cool Funding Circle!
If they would have stuck with the programme, I would have stuck with my plan to just sell half of my holdings. Silly people. They will end up causing their own demise if they are not careful. Trust is 110% in the Peer to Peer lending game, and they just lost it from just about all of their current investors.
Actual XIRR slipped once again from 5.47% in September to 5.33% in October. No surprise. We’ll see what November brings.
Funding Circle Signup & Cashback Offers
For anyone considering investing in Funding Circle, I would suggest you wait and see how things pan out, there are better lenders to invest with at this time.
However if you’re a new investor and do still want to invest with Funding Circle (bad idea), the cashback offer for new investors is: Invest £2000 and receive £50 Amazon Gift Certificate. If you are hell bent on investing with Funding Circle, you may as well get the bonus.
Reliable Growth Street’s income remained as expected in October. XIRR increased a tad from 5.14% to 5.17%. Not far from the their quoted target rate of 5.30%. Can’t beat 5.30% for only having your money tied up for 30 days at a time. I like having that kind of access to some of my investment capital. If things get worrisome with the economy, just switch off auto-invest and have your capital back in 30 days.
Growth Street Signup & Cashback Offers
For new investors, Growth Street have a very decent cashback offer: Invest £5000 or more for 1 year for £200 cashback.
No increase in my investment wtih Kuflink in October. I decided to send the spare capital to Loanpad and CrowdProperty instead. I will send some more capital over in November though, especially if my Funding Circle sale goes through. XIRR increased a bit from 6.30% in September to 6.36% in October which is welcome. Kuflink still has a good loan flow coming thorough, so if you wanted to invest a good amount of capital, it would be possible here.
Good company and safe investments in my opinion. Check out the new cashback below as well. Very, very good.
On £100k invested in the 5 year auto-invest portfolio, that would put you at 11% returns for the first year! Even at £5k investment you would be at 10% total!
Kuflink Signup & Cashback Offers
Kuflink have a wonderful cashback offer right now which is well worth taking advantage of if you are thinking of investing with them. You can get up to £4,000 in cashback bonus (depending on how much you invest).
New Kuflink customers receive the following Kuflink cashback on an investment of £1,000 or more when they use signup links from obviousinvestor.com. Must invest into loans within 14 days of first investment to qualify for cashback.
Nothing much to say about Landbay as per usual, boring account. That’s a good thing in the investment world though, boring is good. Ask the Funding Secure collapse investors 🙄
XIRR stable but up a bean in October at 3.46% from 3.45% in September. Low but one of the safest of the lenders, or so they say. Low risk equals low annual returns though (see my Landbay Review for more info).
Landbay Signup & Cashback Offers
Landbay currently have an incentive for new investors: £50 cashback when investing £5000 or more. 1% on top of the regular number make it look a little more attractive.
LendingCrowd is still getting a low loan flow so I’ve been seeing a bit of cash drag. In fact I decided to move £500 out of the account in October as I’m not prepared to drop my auto-lending rates to get into every loan they issue, plus I haven’t had time to bid on the loans manually like I used to.
As it happened, LendingCrowd also decided to unload a bunch of bad debt on me in October, which put the account in to a negative for the month. Nothing to worry about though as defaults have to be taken care of, it’s just part of lending. Providing it doesn’t become constant it’s no problem.
XIRR decreased a bit from 8.26% in September to 7.59% in October. LendingCrowd are saying my targeted annual return is sitting at 7.43% which I am still quite happy with.
LendingCrowd Signup & Cashback Offers
If you’re new to Peer to Peer lending and would like a shot at some higher rates; take a look at one of the last P2P lenders that still allow bidding on loans so you can get the best rates! LendingCrowd have Up to £400 cashback for £10,000 investment.
Lending Works, delivered again as they do every month. Definitely one of the best Peer to Peer platforms with 6.50% guaranteed returns from one of the safest lenders out there.
XIRR increased once again from 5.83% in September to 5.86% in October. Lending Works own target numbers for my account also increased one pip also to 6.23%. The reason for the discrepancy between XIRR and the target rate is that the 5 year target rate was only 6.00% when I first invested. Since then it’s grown to 6.5%, so my repayments are getting reinvested at the higher rate. But much of my original investment is still at the 6% rate so it will take a while for it to grow to the current 6.5% target.
You really can’t go wrong with Lending Works. Great rates with the safety of the best provision fund in the business, the “Lending Works Shield“. There’s a reason they are my largest GBP lending account now with over £33k invested, and I’m even thinking about adding some more. Just have to follow my diversification rules though.
Lending Works Signup & Cashback Offers
If you decide to invest with Lending Works (which if you’re getting in to P2P, is a sensible idea), they still have the 6.5% available on the 5 year investment for new customers.
Loanpad are still delivering. I keep increasing my investment with them every month and will continue to do so. Excellent “safer” Peer to Peer platform with the ability to access your money either instantly, or in 60 days and get 5%+ on very well secured property assets. I’m leaning more and more to the short term lenders these days as they are offering rates almost as good as the 5 year accounts.
The Loanpad XIRR is at 6.03% for October (down just a bit from September). That’s on a target return suggested by them of 5.00%. This is because the Loanpad target rate on the account is the actual rate you get, not taking in to consideration investing all of the returns for the effects of compounding. As opposed to the AER (Annual Equivalent Rate) given by most other lenders (both Peer to Peer and Banks/Building Societies) which estimates the rate based on all of the interest being invested back in to the account.
Loanpad Signup & Cashback Offers
Loanpad have a great cashback incentive if you’re thinking of joining:
£50 bonus if you invest into a lending account a minimum of £1,000 within 4 weeks post registration and keep this invested for 365 days.
£150 bonus if you invest into a lending account a minimum of £10,000 within 4 weeks post registration and keep this invested for 365 days.
Mintos GBP MoGo car loans have gone away for good it appears, so I just keep drawing GBP capital out of Mintos as it gets repaid or the buyback guarantees kick in. It’s a shame really but it is what it is.
XIRR actually increased a bit from 9.51% in September to 9.56% in October. Unfortunately it looks like it will only last until the current loans are paid back though 🙁
Unfortunately Mintos are still saying that UK residents can no longer invest in Mintos loans for now. Hopefully that will be ratified soon, although if there are no GBP loans, what’s the point?
Mintos Signup & Cashback Offers
If you are NOT a UK resident, Mintos have a wonderful cashback bonus, one of the best in fact. Mintos offer 1% of the value of your investments cashback for the first 90 days you are investing with them!
RateSetter rolled out their new “accounts” in October. Their “Access” account which is basically replacing the rolling rate account, the “Plus” account which is replacing he 1 year and the “Max” account which is replacing the 5 year account. Although they say it is still possible to “set your own rates”, that appears to be a little far fetched as (from what I’ve seen) the rates just hover around 4.9% and 5.2% in the “Max” account (no doubt controlled by RateSetter).
So basically all they’ve done is set a 5% rate in stone for locking capital up for 5 years. Although it’s still worth it for diversification at 5%, just because of the size and safety of RateSetter. They are no longer leading the pack in my opinion. I’ve had my reinvestment settings at 5.4% (lower than the 5.7% I was previously getting filled at) for the whole of October, but nothing has yet been filled.
I’ve decided that I’m not willing to reinvest all of my capital in the account with them for less than 5.4% for 5 year terms, so if I start to get cash drag at 5.4%, I’ll be moving some money to Loanpad and Kuflink where I can get around 6% with good asset security, and in the case of Loanpad, with 60 day access to my money. I’ll still leave a good amount in RateSetter of course just for the safety and diversification.
All that being said, my XIRR actually increased a little bit from 5.14% in September to 5.22% in October. Obviously that’s because the new lower rates will take a long time to get everything reinvested, so at least we should continue to see the good numbers for now.
RateSetter Signup & Cashback Offers
RateSetter is offering £100 cashback for investing £1000 for a year.
I didn’t send any more money over to Unbolted in October, but I will be doing in November. My last £500 I sent in September got lent out now, so I think it’s time to commit some more funds.
XIRR settled at 8.35% which is right around their suggested target rate of 8.40%.
I’m loving Unbolted for their uniqueness. They are not like the big Peer to Peer platforms such as Funding Circle or RateSetter, and I like that. I like Unbolted’s spin on asset secured pawnshop style loans, and I certainly like the 8%+ return rates.
When loans default, assets are sold very, very quickly. Unbolted typically recover more than the item was worth. The average at the moment is 117% of the loan value is recovered! I regularly get emails saying that a defaulted asset has been recovered and the amount has been credited to my investment account. Zero losses in almost 2 years so far. Unbolted are getting capital lent out much faster now too. See my Unbolted Review for more information on this unique lender. Definitely worth taking a look at and adding to a diversified portfolio. 8.40% is nothing to sniff at.
Unbolted Signup & Cashback Offers
Unbolted just started a new cashback bonus today! £50 if you invest just £1,000 by using the the link below! Typically these cashback offers don’t last long with Unbolted as they fill up their loans very quickly. So if you’re thinking about investing with Unbolted, click the link and register, even if you’re not going to invest for a few weeks, you’ll still get the bonus if you invest within 6 months of signing up. Nothing to lose if you don’t.
October was the best month yet for the Euro Portfolio with income of €504.52. XIRR was down just a little to an overall 14.29% from 14.30% in September. This was due to some cash drag we were seeing with Robocash and Grupeer. It seems to have gone now though so fingers crossed.
Overall I’m still very happy with the Euro portfolio. Amazing the difference in available Euro return rates compared to GBP. I didn’t send any more capital over to any Euro lenders in October, mainly due to the fact I still don’t have any converted. Most of my cash is sitting in US Dollars and I’m still waiting for the Euro to come down against the Dollar some more which it has been doing slowly. I am still thinking sub 1:1 to the USD in the next 6 to 12 months. Maybe I’m wrong but we’ll see.
Crowdestor XIRR decreased a little again from 13.16% in September to 12.87% in October. I believe this is due to the fact that I took the numbers early in the morning on the 31st so some of the repayments had not come in. By the time I had finished the update on the 31st (evening), the account balance had increased a bit. Also some of the loan payments still haven’t kicked in yet so hopefully XIRR will rise even more down the road.
See All Account Data & Screenshots From My Envestio Account
Envestio continue to increase their loan flow. Unfortunately I missed most of them because (as I mentioned earlier) I don’t have any more Euros to invest right now. Auto-invest did reinvest some of the income in to new loans though which keeps funds invested and prevents cash drag.
XIRR jumped yet again from 17.29% in September to 18.81% in October. Envestio are doing a great job right now. At over 18% annual return, you can see why their loans get filled in a matter of minutes. CrowdProperty, my new UK lender is the only other lender I see with loans going this quickly.
Envestio Signup & Cashback Offers
Envestio have a €5 bonus for the first €100 deposit + 0.5% cashback from all investments for 270 days.
Grupeer had a bit of cash drag in October. I emailed their customer service who responded right away apologizing and saying more loans were coming. And sure enough they did. No trouble at all, and no work involved. Capital got auto-invested into the loans once they showed up.
XIRR is still providing a very reasonable 13.82%, up from 13.54% last month.
Mintos have continued to see a drop in the number Euro loans available in October. Although towards the end of the month they started to pick up a bit, there really are only 10%-11% loans available in Euros at the moment.
I once again dropped my auto-invest settings to pick up 10% – 30 day loans and I’m not seeing any cash drag, but my lender-expected returns are dropping. Currently at 12.79%. XIRR also decreased a little again from 14.53% in September to 14.15 in October. This is still more than the Mintos target rate, but down quite a bit from a couple of months ago. Hopefully things will pick up soon and we’ll start seeing some of those 16% – 30 day loans again!
Mintos Signup & Cashback Offers
Mintos have a wonderful cashback bonus, one of the best in fact. 1% of the value of your investments cashback for the first 90 days you are investing with them!
Robocash had a bit of cash drag in October, but like Grupeer it’s gone now. XIRR dropped a bit because of this to 12.65% which is still a bit better than the lender target rate of 12.00%, so no complaints here.
Swaper are a relatively new lender to me but have a long history with the Euro lending community. XIRR is finally starting to kick in now we’re getting some loan payments in. It increased from a low 3.04% in September to 8.89% in October. Hopefully this will keep increasing moving forward. I did write my initial review on Swaper if you’re interested in taking a look.
Swaper Signup & Cashback Offers
If you’re interested in reading more about Swaper or investing with them, click here go to their website and to read about current offers or open a lending account.
That’s all for another month. Hopefully you found the update useful. Let me know if you there is any other information you would like me to include in the updates. Or if you think I waffle on too much 🙄
I’m always open to suggestions and I love feedback!
You can always go back and look at the previous updates for more details on why I’m investing in these companies and my ongoing lending experiences with each of them.
Finally I hope the month of November goes well for everyone. I wish you all the best of luck with your investments. I will update you on my P2P Portfolio investments around the same time next month.
Thanks for reading my blog! Please feel free to comment below if you have comments, questions, criticisms or suggestions. You can also email me if you prefer. I love feedback!
Please note, most of the cashback offers on this site are for new lenders to a company. I suggest you do your own research before investing as cashback offers change daily.
This page is presented for informational purposes only. I am not a Financial Adviser and therefore not qualified to give financial advice. Please do your own research and make your own investment decisions. Do not make investment decisions based solely on the information presented on this website.
* My opinions, reviews, star ratings and risk ratings are based on my personal investing experience with the company being reviewed. These ratings are personal opinions and are subjective.
** Some of the links on this website are affiliate referral links. When you click on these links, I can sometimes receive a commission, at absolutely no cost to you. This helps me to continue to offer new reviews & monthly portfolio updates here on my website. I don’t receive commissions from all platforms and it has no effect on my ongoing opinions on investments & investment platforms. Income from my investments and capital preservation are my main motivations.
Platforms reviewed on this website I am currently investing with, or I have invested with in the past. You can see with full transparency on my Portfolio Returns page which assets & platforms I am invested with (or have previously been invested with) at any point in time. I am not paid a fee by any of the companies to write reviews, so the reviews are unbiased and purely based on my own personal experiences.
Please read my full website Disclaimerbefore making investment decisions.
4 thoughts on “P2P Lending Portfolio Update For October 2019”
OK after reading this I snatched the Kuflink offer. That’s one F.
Has to be worth at least 1K of anyone’s money. 2.5% boost up front plus the the remaining 5%+? I’m in.
Noted annual interest on auto invest. Not ideal but I assume I can put 1k into auto invest and another 4k into self-select?
Will have a look.
very comprehensive!
Is there any P2P market that you are not dabbling in and have you tried Abundance Investment (no bonus/inducement for signing up though)
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OK after reading this I snatched the Kuflink offer. That’s one F.
Has to be worth at least 1K of anyone’s money. 2.5% boost up front plus the the remaining 5%+? I’m in.
Noted annual interest on auto invest. Not ideal but I assume I can put 1k into auto invest and another 4k into self-select?
Will have a look.
I would think that’s ok but double check the T&C’s just to be sure.
There are a lot of good short/medium term cashback deals out there right now.
very comprehensive!
Is there any P2P market that you are not dabbling in and have you tried Abundance Investment (no bonus/inducement for signing up though)
I have not looked at Abundance yet. Maybe in the future. Lots that I haven’t tried. There are too many out there 🙂