Write for The Obvious Investor
Would you like to write for The Obvious Investor? You’ve come to the right place. Please fully read these guidelines before submitting a piece for consideration
Important note: Our publication queue for contributed articles can be up to 1-2 weeks. To ensure our article backlog doesn’t grow, we publish only the most useful articles for our audience; accordingly, we tend to be highly selective.
Looking for Backlinks for SEO Building?
Not necessarily a problem if your content is good and on spot, however you’ll need to submit the links you’re asking for first as we are very particular who we link to (for our own SEO health). Anything spammy or not in line with our website topics will get a “thanks but no thanks”. Anything close to what we are about but not quite there will get a “nofollow” link if the content is decent.
Guest Post Guidelines
Following are guidelines which should help get your post accepted on The Obvious Investor
Topics We Cover
The Obvious Investor focusses on passive income investment ideas, therefore only articles related to this will be accepted.
- Peer to Peer Lending
- Cryptocurrency
- Real Estate/Property
- Stocks
- Bonds
- Buy-to-Let
- Precious Metals
- Maturing Whisky
- Other Alternative Investment Ideas
Types of Content We Publish
Here’s a list of what we publish from guest contributors:
- Bylined “how-to” articles how to invest in certain types of assets.
- Podcast episodes we are considering starting a guest podcast section, so if you have suggestions on content, please let us know.
- Videos we will consider videos as content.
- Ideas for New Passive Investments new ideas for alternative investments we don’t have already.
- Financial Posts relative to passive investments.
- Tax Information relating to investments we discuss on our website.
- New Website or Software Ideas for items such as portfolio tracking, profit calculation etc.
How to Get Your Post Published on The Obvious Investor
Following these guidelines will increase your chances of getting your article published in The Obvious Investor:
- Write from an objective viewpoint and convey valuable information or to the reader. Focus on practical advice, actionable tips, and useful know-how about a specific topic or approach to investing (see topic list, above). Bullet points are good. Meandering text is not.
- Use a fresh, approachable voice. You are a person writing for other people. Sound like one.
- Offer clear takeaways for our (and your) audience—mostly financial investments, by the way.
- Articles should be at least 800-1,000 words, but not much more than 1,200 or so. Feel free to include images, charts, graphs, and the like—but only if they help convey a point.
- Articles should be original to the author and unpublished elsewhere. (Infographics can have appeared elsewhere.). We will automatically check regularly with CopyScape (and possibly other services) and will not publish anything already published elsewhere.
- Include a brief bio of 25 words or so, including LinkedIn and Twitter contact info, if available, and a recent photograph of the author.
- Submit articles as Microsoft Word files, sent as email attachments (not as a PDF or other file type; not as a Google Doc or similar format link; and not pasted into the body of your email).
- If you submit an article that mentions businesses or companies in which you have a vested interest, disclose as much to us and the audience.
Here’s How to Submit a Guest Post
Send submissions to Mark at The Obvious Investor
What’s Next?
If your article is accepted for publication, we will inform you; expect to hear from us within a week or two of our having received your email.
If we don’t accept your article, we’ll let you know why when we have time, depending on how crowded our inbox is. Please don’t be offended if we don’t reply right away. Our focus is on getting accepted posts published first.
If you haven’t followed the above guidelines, you likely won’t hear back from us, sorry.
What we don’t publish – We don’t publish articles that;
- are not relevant to the subject of The Obvious Investor.
- are not well written.
- we consider uninteresting.
- we just don’t like!
- are irritating – if you use the phrase “when it comes to” or start a paragraph with “So” in your article, especially more than once, you’re just giving us a reason to not accept your article for publication.
- glorifies or links to one of our competitors websites.
When all is said and done
We do find guest posts an asset to the The Obvious Investor website, so if you’ve written something interesting and on topic, it’ll likely get published. Thanks for contributing to our website!
Still have a question? Drop me a note & I’ll do my best to get back to you.